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How to sync your medical records
Here’s a step-by-step on how to sync your medical records.
Welcome to Invaryant. This is your first stop for pulling together records from all your healthcare providers.
Before starting the sync process, make sure you have some basic information on hand for each portal you want to sync with. You will need your patient-portal username and password for every portal you sync with. Depending on which search option you choose, you may also need your provider’s full name, their facility’s name, the facility’s zip code, and/or the basic URL for the provider’s patient portal. We also recommend testing your login information within your provider’s patient portal first. If you don’t have a login for your provider’s patient portal, please contact your provider’s office.
You can sync at any time from within your Invaryant by clicking the Sync button in the main menu, as shown below.
In the sync wizard that opens, if you have not yet completed your first sync, you will first have to click Continue. On the next screen, select either Medical or Wearable. To complete a medical sync, click Medical.
Next, if applicable, you may have to select the person for whom you would like to complete a medical sync (e.g., a dependent).
(If you have no dependents within your Invaryant account, then the sync portal described below will automatically appear instead.)
A Connections screen then opens. To add a portal, click Add a connection. Select Office or hospital (if you know the name and zip code of the facility), Doctor name (if you know your doctor’s full name and their facility’s zip code), or Portal website address (if you have a link to the patient portal).
For an Office or hospital search, please be sure that the full name of the building – e.g., Northside Hospital – is included in the search and that a correct zip code is entered.
For a Doctor name search, if you do not see your doctor listed after you click Search, you may still be able to locate their office by going back and doing an Office or hospital search instead.
For a Portal website search, keep in mind that the system will have a much easier time locating the portal if the website address is shortened (e.g.,
After clicking Search, select your provider or your portal URL from the list. Because many providers see patients at multiple locations, the search may show a different address than where you visit your provider. That’s okay! You’ll select the correct location next.
(If you don’t see your provider, please reach out to our support team.)
Next, if applicable, select the location where you visit this provider.
After confirming your provider’s information, enter your Portal username and Portal password. Then, click Connect.
The provider has now been added to your Invaryant records. Eventually, you will be redirected to the Connections screen of the wizard. If there are any other provider portals you’d like to pull records from, you can do that by clicking Add a connection.
To check the status of a sync or to make changes to a portal connection, click the provider or portal on the Connections screen of the sync wizard.
If the login information you entered for a portal is correct, you will receive a notification that your records are being synced, and we will let you know – via a subsequent notification – when the process is complete.
Thank you for using Invaryant to sync together your health records. If you have any trouble, please refer to our support resources at Or you can reach us by phone at 770-857-3870 or email us at [email protected].